Photo Discussion
Category: New Responses

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Sneak Attack Editor's Pick  
Sneak Attack
Sneak Attack
3-4 swan cignets

Teresa Burnett

- Bojan Bencic

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bojan Bencic
Bojan Bencic's Gallery

Fantastic details, Teresa. They are so cute.

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June 03, 2020 - Terry Korpela

Contact Terry Korpela
Terry Korpela's Gallery
  Nicely Done Teresa!

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June 03, 2020 - Tammy M. Anderson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Tammy M. Anderson
Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery
  Outstanding details and theme capture. So cute.

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June 03, 2020

- Leslie McLain

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Leslie McLain
Leslie McLain's Gallery
  Beautiful capture, Teresa. The babies are such fun to watch and photograph.

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June 03, 2020

- Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas
Amalia Sylvia Arriaga Salinas's Gallery
  Lovely capture Teresa!

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June 04, 2020

- Teresa Burnett

Contact Teresa Burnett
Teresa Burnett's Gallery
  Thank you Bojan, Terry, Tammy, Leslie and Amalia.

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June 04, 2020 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Great moment, great photo, great title!

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June 05, 2020

- Teresa Burnett

Contact Teresa Burnett
Teresa Burnett's Gallery
  Thank you Jim.

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June 07, 2020

- Kathleen Holcomb Johnson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Kathleen Holcomb Johnson
Kathleen Holcomb Johnson's Gallery
  Always love the babies... Beautiful Teresa!

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March 11, 2021

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