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Frankenstorm Picnic

   Frankenstorm Picnic
Frankenstorm Picnic
Canon EOS 7D, Tamron 18-270mm Lens, 1/80, f/11, ISO 200

Beth Spencer


Beth Spencer

I just wanted to give you all an idea of the snow we got from the Frankenstorm. Those are the grills with the snow on top and coming up to the top of them. It is day 8 and still no electric, hopefully in 2-3 more days! At least the sun came out today and I saw blue sky!!

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November 06, 2012

- Rita K. Connell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rita K. Connell
Rita K. Connell's Gallery
  its so hard to believe you got this much snow this early in the season. if you all are still without electric, did you get to vote today. I was wonderig about all the places that was hit so hard from Sandy, I haven't heard anything. I sure hope you get your electric soon. Do you have a fireplace, I take it you haven't been using your grill for cooking on. I know when we were out of electric for a week that is what I used, was my grill, we have ours hook up to our gas line.

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November 06, 2012


Jeff E Jensen
  Good grief.

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November 06, 2012


Stephen Shoff
  Looks like a tough situation. But those trees are incredible!

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November 06, 2012


Teresa H. Hunt
  I like snow . . . . but that is ridiculous!!!!

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November 06, 2012


Elaine Hessler
  Whoa! Are u staying warm? I can't imagine being without heat! I hope you get your power back soon-it's been forever for you!

I was going to take a picture of my trash pile in my garage from our flooded basement, but my husband consolidated the stuff before I could get to it...

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November 07, 2012


Elaine Hessler
  Whoa! Are u staying warm? I can't imagine being without heat! I hope you get your power back soon-it's been forever for you!

I was going to take a picture of my trash pile in my garage from our flooded basement, but my husband consolidated the stuff before I could get to it...

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November 07, 2012


Elaine Hessler
  Whoa! Are u staying warm? I can't imagine being without heat! I hope you get your power back soon-it's been forever for you!

I was going to take a picture of my trash pile in my garage from our flooded basement, but my husband consolidated the stuff before I could get to it...

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November 07, 2012


Beth Spencer
  Day 10 still no electric, but getting closer. Elaine we are warm and running a generator intermittently throughout the day. It is nice to go to work, because I take a long, hot shower there!! It is getting better. The snow was really pretty and now it is prettier because it is melting, but oh so many broken trees everywhere.

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November 07, 2012

- Michael Kelly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly's Gallery
  This looks like the kind of snow we only get in the Mountains. Glad you are still hanging in there in such a difficult situation. Hope they get your power on soon. Are you getting hit again with this new Northeaster?

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November 07, 2012


Peter W. Marks
  Unreal Beth. I know that the names of hurricanes are chosen in alphabetic order from a list but 'Sandy' seems far too gentle a name for something like this. "satan' might be more apposite judging by the deaths and destruction.
I am sitting here looking out over the yard and fields that have just the thinnest coating of frost and I feel for you. May the snow quickly clear Beth.

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November 08, 2012


Anthony L. Mancuso
  That's crazy how much snow you got! And 10 days without electric is awful...that's how long I went without it last year during that Oct storm but we were fortunate that my sister didn't lose power and we shacked up with her for the duration....I feel for you but you seem to be in good spirits and hoping as I write this that your power has already been restored..

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November 08, 2012


Debbie E. Payne
  Beth -- wow, what a wallop this storm has had throughout the entire country. These past ten days must have felt like forever. Glad you can get clean and warm at work. We have been thinking about you a lot and hope that soon you will be on your way to getting the lights on.

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November 08, 2012


Beth Spencer
  Thanks! Day 12 still no electric but they say today byodnight! They are making some progress, the numbers without are getting lower! I know one family they told Thanksgiving if they are lucky. At least temps are suppose to get into the 60's.

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November 09, 2012


Aimee C. Eisaman
  I know I commented on this one on FB. Wow that's alot of snow! I can't imagine what it would be like to live without electric for that long. We have a genorator, but it can't run the whole house all the time so we'd have to keep switching between things. I sure hope you get your power back tonight so you can get back to normal! :~)

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November 09, 2012

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