Photo Discussion
Category: Where Was This Made?

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Red, White, and Blue Building

  Red, White, and Blue Building
Red, White, and Blue Building
Cleveland, Ohio

Elaine Hessler

  Fireworks I
Fireworks I

Elaine Hessler

  Fireworks II
Fireworks II

Elaine Hessler

  Fireworks III
Fireworks III

Elaine Hessler


Elaine Hessler

Hi-I am not sure what to do with this photo. I like the building and the fireworks on the horizon, but do NOT like the parking lot. Any suggestions?

P.S. I've also uploaded 3 fireworks pics for fun. Someone asked about settings. I used ISO 100, f/8, and anywhere from 2-3 seconds using a tripod (manual focus). Check your focus often...

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July 06, 2012


Dale Hardin
  Very,very nice fireworks shots Elaine. On the image in question, I don't see a major issue with the parking lot, but if you do then the easiest way is a crop. I know your images are over 5000 pixels so you should have no problem.

I'd first use a bit of lens correction at the bottom (not a big issue though) and then apply a 3x5 horizontal format crop starting at the top left just to the right of that bright area next to the blue bridge. Have the bottom of the crop at the upper left corner of the blue canopy located above the parking lot.

This will leave just a bit of the parking lot visible. Clone out all the cars except the two that are by themselves. Don't bother with those that are close to the hotel.

And finally, selectivly apply a multiply blend to the parking lot only, but not the lights. This crop will leave your composition in tack and draw the eye more to the horizon fireworks. Love the straight horizon by the way. :o)

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July 06, 2012


Stephen Shoff
  What a great concept for the photograph, Elaine. I really like the horizon lined with fireworks displays. I think Dale's more panoramic 3x5 crop will help strengthen that concept. I'm not quite so sure you want to lose all of the bright portion of the bridge on the left -- seems to me that it is useful for identifying the bridge as an separate element behind the hotel.

I would add a suggestion that besides the level horizon, you also could straighten the verticals on the left. Before cropping, I would use the skew tools to straighten vertical lines of te hotwl on the left side. That allows your new crop to start in the upper left corner but would still reduce the size of the bridge and keep some contextual information.

That leaves you with two bright lines leading out of the picture -- the bridge on the left and the elevated highway in the upper right. You might need some narrow and/or additinal multiply blend to help reduce those ines just before they reach the border of the frame.

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July 06, 2012

- Michael Kelly

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michael Kelly
Michael Kelly's Gallery
  Great shots and good suggestions. I don't normally use filters or plug in software but if you wanted to keep the whole shot a flood filter might work well to make the parking lot into a lake. Here is a link to Flaming Pear:

if you wanted to take a look at a demo and see if it would do something you like.

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July 06, 2012 - Susan M. Reynolds

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan M. Reynolds
Susan M. Reynolds's Gallery
  Cool concept for the building and I leave the editing suggestions to the experts! I'd love to see what that Flaming Pear would look that Mike mentioned it, I remember a long while ago someone giving a link to it, but I never tried it...I'd like to see what it looks like on this photo and see if there's one I have that I can try it on too. it sounds like a really good idea...

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July 07, 2012 - Susan M. Reynolds

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Susan M. Reynolds
Susan M. Reynolds's Gallery
  Cool concept for the building and I leave the editing suggestions to the experts! I'd love to see what that Flaming Pear would look that Mike mentioned it, I remember a long while ago someone giving a link to it, but I never tried it...I'd like to see what it looks like on this photo and see if there's one I have that I can try it on too. it sounds like a really good idea...

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July 07, 2012


Elaine Hessler
  Thanks for the input! I did have to straighten the pic-uneven horizons drive me nuts too. I do see how the left side of the building appears to lean out due to the perspective. I am assuming skew on PSE will bring that corner out leaving the horizon level, right? Is this the same as lens correction dale? Thanks!

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July 07, 2012


Aimee C. Eisaman
  That is so neat how the whole horizon has fireworks going on. What a neat idea to grab a shot of that! You also got some really nice crisp shots of single fireworks. :~) You've got some really good suggestions on different things you could do to this. I have used the flood filter before...might work well here, but you really can't tell till you try.

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July 07, 2012


Dale Hardin
  In answer to your question Elaine, skew is not the same as lens correction. The lens correction tool changes both sides or any perspective errors at the same time. Skew moves the entire top or bottom of the image left or right across the entire image.

You can use the distort tool to correct one side at a time and it is a perfered method in many cases.

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July 07, 2012


Jeff E Jensen
  Yup, very cool image! You've gotten some great suggestions already, so I'll wait to see what you come up with.

Nice job on the fireworks images. I didn't get to see any this year, guess I'll have to just do my own sometime. . . .

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July 07, 2012


Beth Spencer
  Great shots! I will wait for the edits.Your fireworks are awesome! I need to get mine off my camera hopefully after we water our garden

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July 07, 2012

- Rita K. Connell

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Rita K. Connell
Rita K. Connell's Gallery
  Elaine this a great shot even with the parking lot. I love all the fireworks on the horizons. very cool. I think I would do a pano crop taking off the lower half of the image.

your fire works shots are wonderful....very nicely captured. I like all of them.

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July 08, 2012


Elaine Hessler Editor's Pick  
Red, White, and Blue Too!
Red, White, and Blue Too!

Elaine Hessler

Hi everyone-I finally got back to this picture. Here's what I did (and thank you for your suggestions!!!). I pulled the lower left corner of the photo so the building isn't distorted, so the left side is now parallel to the edge of the photo, I recropped as suggested. I tried to blend out the cars in the lot, but I didn't like it and decided with the new crop, it looks better. It also gets rid of some of the brightly lit windows at the bottom left. I also learned how to use the dodge tool to tone down what is left of those windows and that bright street light in the lower right. I also sharpened the image. Thanks for the suggestions and making me get out of my comfort zone! Let me know what you think.

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July 09, 2012

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