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Category: Where Was This Made?

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I EAT YOUR TRASH! Editor's Pick  
Behold Me:  I am the TRASH CAT!
Behold Me: I am the TRASH CAT!

After the Tall Ships that had been moored in Baltimore Harbor for the 1812 Bicentennial had made their way slowly out to the open ocean, my two photo friends and I spent the day checking out the Inner Harbor and surrounding tourist areas.
As we walked through a VERY POSH waterfront neighborhood, we were astonished that the areas near the shoreline and docks were strewn with all manner of...well...GARBAGE. And the stench of raw sewage was nothing less than overwhelming.
Becky said, "There ought to be some machine that cleans up this mess!"
Two hours later, at the area called Fell's Point, we encountered this incredible piece of TECHNOLOGY.
Behold: The UMI "TRASHCAT!"

Michelle Alton

  A MILD case of Water Litter
A MILD case of Water Litter

This was at a very posh waterfront condo complex. The stench that almost keeled us over may have been from a recent massive fish kill in the harbor.

Michelle Alton


Michelle Alton

A mild case of Trash. We subsequently encountered much WORSE examples!

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June 23, 2012


Jyri Vissak
  Well seen and presented!

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June 23, 2012

- Ann Coates

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ann Coates
Ann Coates's Gallery
  Wow, I can't get over the amount of water litter, that's disgusting. People are so revolting at times. Great capture of the Trash Cat, never heard or seen one like that myself.

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June 23, 2012


Mike Clime
  Nice one for the MT, Michelle! Better than picking it up by hand or worse yet just letting it stay there and sink to the bottom.

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June 23, 2012


frank w. degenhardt
  Its sad to see this regardless of who's doing it. I will never understand people doing this. If any good came out of it, you got a fantastic picture of the boat the goes around and picks it up. A marvelous MT and view of this ship. While I admire your photography, I wish this boat didn't have to be my friend.

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June 23, 2012

- Guy D. Biechele

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Guy D. Biechele
Guy D. Biechele's Gallery
  Very cool! Amazing the things we photographers discover.

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June 23, 2012


Barbara Waldoch
  Cool capture, Michelle!
Litter is such a problem, but some people seem oblivious to it.

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June 24, 2012

- Stefania Barbier

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Stefania Barbier
Stefania Barbier's Gallery
  well seen and captured Michelle!

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June 24, 2012


Neal D. Hatcher
  Fantastic capture-Yes its a shame that many people are "pigs"-The are probably the same people or simolar to those who throw trash out their car windows

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June 24, 2012

- Emile Abbott

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Emile Abbott
Emile Abbott's Gallery
  Only humans pollute their home (The planet Earth) What a shame.

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June 28, 2012


Chris Ebben
  And a lot of times it's the "posh" ones who make the mess, Tony & I encountered this in a restaurant recently!! Glad we don't have smellavision on our computers!! Even though sad to see, it makes for a great image all the same =^..^=

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June 29, 2012

- Heather Loewenhardt

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Heather Loewenhardt
Heather Loewenhardt's Gallery
  What a great piece of technology but at the same time it confuses me as why we would even need it. Great story and photo Michelle.

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June 30, 2012

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