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Category: Where Was This Made?

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As HIGH.... Editor's Pick  
As HIGH....
As HIGH....


---------- an ELEPHANT'S EYE!
Little did I know as I headed out to Philadelphia late yesterday afternoon to cover a Port Richmond town meeting, that before the night's end, I would be KISSING Beulah!
But since I began working with Bill, our Meetup Group's organizer, on news photography/reporting, I've learned to expect that EVERY OUTING will almost invariably, turn into a brilliant adventure!
Serendipitously, on the way home, we ran into an elaborate traveling carnival on Opening Night. SCREECH!!! We pulled into the parking lot, got out of the car to get "a few shots" of the Ferris Wheel, and before I knew it, we were conversing with the VERY affectionate Beulah!

Michelle Alton

  Bill and Beulah!
Bill and Beulah!


Michelle Alton


Michelle Alton

Bill and Beulah. You've seen Bill (and his ever-present mysterious black gloves) in other photos I've posted. He is an unforgettable character, a brilliant photographer, and a dedicated mentor, and a serious lover of creatures great and small.

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March 30, 2012


Jack Gaskin
  COOL CLOSE-UP Great they have SAD EYES and that funny well spaced hair.


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March 30, 2012 - Jeff Robinson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jeff Robinson
Jeff Robinson's Gallery
  A Wonderful close-up capture and storytelling image!!

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March 30, 2012 - Agnes Fegan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Agnes Fegan
Agnes Fegan's Gallery
  I love hearing about your adventures! Terrific close up, and as Jack said, the eyes are sad looking!

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March 30, 2012


Douglas Pignet
  nice comp & pov...well done

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March 30, 2012


Kathy Reeves
  Beautiful Beulah! Wish I could say I kissed an elephant!

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March 30, 2012

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Isn't life fun when the roads we chose are filled with spontaneity? Very cool! :) I love this nice tight image of Beulah's face. That reminds me. I must put on my under-eye wrinkle cream!!! HeeHee!!

Great job and such fun!!

-Laura :)

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March 30, 2012

- Ann Coates

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ann Coates
Ann Coates's Gallery
  Great close up of the sad eye of this elephant Michelle. I really hate elephants being out of their natural wild environment and purely there for the entertainment of us humans. I think this capture says it all.

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March 30, 2012


David Phalen
  You certainly are having some fun adventures.:) Excellent animal portrait with outstanding tones and textures!!

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March 30, 2012


John Connolly
  So that is how high corn grows, Michelle! A wonderful capture with amazing light and detail! Thanks for sharing this moment with us!

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March 30, 2012

- Heather Loewenhardt

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Heather Loewenhardt
Heather Loewenhardt's Gallery
  Great lighting and marvelous detail captured Michelle.

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March 30, 2012

- Robert K. Bemus

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Robert K. Bemus
Robert K. Bemus's Gallery
  That eye really draws you in...great comp and wonderful detail, Michelle!!

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March 30, 2012


Rona L. Schwarz
  I love both of these, Michelle! Great shot of Beulah - somehow elephant's eyes are always fascinating (to me anyway). This one is very expressive and very wrinkled! You are so lucky to be working with Bill- he sounds like a terrific guy - and you are having some wonderful adventures!

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March 30, 2012


Neal D. Hatcher
  Fantastic capture

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March 31, 2012


Wm Nosal
  :) Wonderful Shot, Michelle!

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March 31, 2012


Jeffrey R. Bange
  Beautiful capture and presentation Michelle.

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March 31, 2012


Chris Ebben
  How lucky to kiss an elephant!! I have ridden on one at the Taronga Zoo, Sydney, when I was a child, I don't think they have thosse rides any more. It is so sad that they are taken from their homes & locked up. It is so sad we do such awful things to animals, I bet to shut-up now!! A beautiful image to remember such a fantastic event in your life=^..^=

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March 31, 2012


Thomas E. Hinds
  Wonderful story, beautiful image, Michelle! Such a fantastic creature and the texture and character is captured here so very well. My heart goes out to elephants everywhere. I fear us humans fail to understand them in many fundamental ways. To behold their beauty is a beginning (each time we see one). Thanks!

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March 31, 2012

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