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Category: Where Was This Made?

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Pearl Harbor Day Editor's Pick  
Pearl Harbor Day
Pearl Harbor Day

The 21st Annual Pearl Harbor Day Commemoration aboard the Battleship New Jersey, December 5, 2011. Camden, NJ. (Ben Franklin Bridge in view) It was a hugely moving ceremony, attended by very few.
"Laying of the wreath" in this case, meant tossing it into the sea--or river. Walter Straus, the short white-haired man who tossed the wreath, earlier gave the keynote address telling about his experience at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. The man in the trench coat is Congressman Robert Andrews (New Jersey), the Emcee for the event.
(Note. In this shot, Mr. Strauss's head was not visible. I had to clone it from a shot from a second earlier, and then replace Mr. Andrews' face where it was originally in this capture).

Michelle Alton

  Soft Landing
Soft Landing

The wreath made a soft landing, and began to break apart on impact. It quickly floated off and disappeared down river. Bill Achuff, our photography meetup group's organizer (himself a Special Forces veteran from the Vietnam era) wrote this:
"The wreath, more colorful this year than in some years past, moved quickly south in the river's flow. Several years ago, an all-white wreath dropped from the forward deck, for HOURS, floated next to the ship, seemingly unwilling to leave."

Michelle Alton

  Marine Honor Guard
Marine Honor Guard

These were two of the six-member Marine Corps League honor guard who performed their 21-gun salute beautifully. As they were disembarking the ship they each, at the top of the gangway, turned toward the rear of the ship to render a salute. (Caption by Bill Achuff, our Meetup Group's leader.)

Michelle Alton

  Echo Taps
Echo Taps

Andrew Garonzik, the young man who played Echo Taps, was really Bill's subject. Bill asked Andrew to pose, then he asked the man to allow me to take his photo.
I swapped the sky on this one--It wouldn't work for a news photo (Bill shoots for various news outlets and is mentoring several of us), but does for my eye. The morning was heavily foggy and the sky was "invisible."

Michelle Alton

  Veteran of Foreign Wars
Veteran of Foreign Wars

The attendance at this Pearl Harbor Memorial was low, and was comprised almost exclusively of veterans and their families. Many of those in the audience were moved to tears. This man was holding back...with difficulty.

Michelle Alton


Michelle Alton

A few more shots of the event.

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December 08, 2011

- Bojan Bencic

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bojan Bencic
Bojan Bencic's Gallery
  Fantastic composition and timing, Michelle. Great photo.

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December 08, 2011


Monnie Ryan
  Wonderful, poignant captures of this very special event, Michelle!

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December 08, 2011


Gregory R. Gaskin
  A wonderful and moving series of pictures. Back in the late 1970’s my submarine stopped the ship yard in Bremerton, Washington where the USS Missouri was docked in the ship graveyard. I wandered over there one day and ask if I could get on board. The guy standing security watch said; “Go ahead, we let people do it all the time.” I was the only living soul on the ship for about an hour. Standing right on the spot where the “Instrument of Surrender” was signed was very moving. The Missouri is now located on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor (my home port back in the day) where visitors can visit and honor those who sacrificed so much for their country. We are quickly losing the greatest generation and our world will be worse off for the loss.

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December 08, 2011


Patricia White
  One of the saddest days in our history never to be forgotten. The tears, the sadness and all the bad memories. You have displayed this day with dignity. Very well done.

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December 08, 2011 - Jeff Robinson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Jeff Robinson
Jeff Robinson's Gallery
  An outstanding series of images Michelle!

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December 08, 2011


David Phalen
  Perfect timing, colors, clarity and post work in the original image!! Love the series and find it sad that Pearl Harbor day is largely overlooked.

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December 08, 2011


David Hurt
  You captured the moment. Well done.

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December 08, 2011


Debbie Bray
  Great series, Michelle! Although I do understand that there were a lot of people actually who made Hawaii's remembrance!! You did a great job with the cloning in and out too!! :)

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December 08, 2011


Neal D. Hatcher
  Fantastic job with this series of photos
commemorating this sad day in American history

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December 08, 2011


Kathy Reeves
  Freedom is not free and thank you for honoring those who gave their life that day. Wonderful work as always.

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December 08, 2011

- Emile Abbott

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Emile Abbott
Emile Abbott's Gallery
  One of my patients and neighbor is a Pearl Harbor survivor (James Blocklinger) Very few left. Less we never forget. Nice set of captures Michelle.

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December 08, 2011


Tammy Espino
  Excellent tribute and capture!! :)

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December 08, 2011


Ian M. Hill
  Well captured Michelle.

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December 08, 2011


Ray Thoms
  Great work and image Michelle.....

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December 08, 2011


Brett Dolsen
  Love the photojournalism Michelle!!Way to go!

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December 08, 2011


Michael G. Marshall
  Wonderful images, Michelle! I hope that we never as a country of free men and women forget the incredible sacrifices that have been made by so many. Like Gregory, I have had the opportunity to visit the USS Missouri and stand on the spot where the "Instrument of Surrender" occurred. As a student of history and as an American, it was a very emotional moment for me. God bless the gallant men and women who have served and sacrificed so much for our freedom! May they never be forgotten! Michael

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December 08, 2011


Barbara Waldoch
  Excellent collection of images, Michelle!

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December 08, 2011

- Robert K. Bemus

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Robert K. Bemus
Robert K. Bemus's Gallery
  Great capture and editing on the featured photo. Wonderful series as well. I was too young for Viet Nam, too old for the Gulf War but I am very grateful to those who served then and those who serve now.

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December 08, 2011

- Ann Coates

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ann Coates
Ann Coates's Gallery
  I'm sure I commented on this last night but it was not under another photographer's name, how strange. I think BP were having a few hiccups last night. Anyway, back to business, you certainly have covered the ceremony so well and so eloquently. A fantastic series of images Michelle.

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December 09, 2011


Marijana Fajgl
  Fantastic documentary captures, Michelle! Perfect timing.

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December 09, 2011


Carolyn McIntosh
  What a wonderful tribute to such a sad chapter of history. Your documentary is amazing and so well captured and written. I loved the follow up photos. Great job of cloning . . no one would have guessed if you hadn't told us. Visiting Pearl Harbour is still on my bucket list . . . . and I am Canadian. What a gift you have for combining your journalism skills with your photography skills. Your tribute moved me to tears, I can't imagine what it would have been like had I been there.

Hats off to you.

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December 09, 2011


Rona L. Schwarz
  An amazing series here, Michelle, so moving. Loved all the photos and, of course, your excellent commentary, as always. You always manage to be in the right place at the right time to witness and document these commemorations of our history. We are fortunate that you share it with us. I didn't think to check, but discovered (after the fact) that there was a commemoration with "laying of the wreath" in our town, too.

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December 09, 2011

- Patricia A. Casey

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Patricia A. Casey
Patricia A. Casey's Gallery
  Beautifully done, Michelle....Thank you and all our men and women in uniform....past, present and wishes that the future not ever have them in harms way!

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December 10, 2011

- Heather Loewenhardt

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Heather Loewenhardt
Heather Loewenhardt's Gallery
  As usual you have captured a moment in time with such great passion and photographic skill. Your journalism is very beautiful and adds to the photo's impact.

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December 12, 2011


Kathryn Wesserling
  You have such a special gift for combining words and images to create special memorable records of memorable moments.

Mr. Straus is in a rapidly diminishing group of men who served our Country in WWII. He lived our history, and as such, he deserves to be honored and to be heard. It is lovely to know that someone recognized that.

Thank you for sharing this moment with us.

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December 29, 2011

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