Photo Discussion
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Our baby brother!

  Our baby brother!
Our baby brother!
Taken withS1 Pro

Helen Hygate


Helen Hygate

This was taken on the Fuji S1 pro digital camera. It was taken on the portrait setting( colour - org, tone - org) I have enlarged it to 16x20 and the image is still good.......any comments?

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October 26, 2001 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
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  Hi Helen,

I like the portrait very much. I see that you made everybody feel comfortable and captured good, natural expressions.

It looks to me like the digital version here is a bit dark. This might just result from my monitor being set a little differently than yours - it is hard to standardize such things. But you might want to try lightening up the digital image.

Thanks for sharing - keep up the great shooting.

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November 08, 2001

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