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Eagles falling from the sky!!!!!


Ron McEwan

Sad indeed Walt. It was a good thing you were there. In case they had survived you could have helped them.

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December 20, 2009

- Patrick Rouzes

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Patrick Rouzes
Patrick Rouzes's Gallery
  WOW, probably a once in a lifetime shot here, Walter! I have never heard of this happening & very ,very sad outcome! Thank you for sharing this AMAZING photo ,my friend!

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December 20, 2009


Barbara Waldoch
  What a terribly sad story, Walter.
Great catch as photos go, but I am sure you would rather not get it.

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December 20, 2009

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Oh. This was gut wrenching to read about, Walter.

You know? Really! Man means well but they mess everything up. These beautiful, wild, wonderful birds need to be left alone. YET if we dont count them how can we know how many there are left? And how do we stop others from making hem extinct? Micro chips?

I HATE IT! Catch 22.

I agree. If the bands are hurting them then lets stop the bands. SIMPLE!

Where do I sign and what is the real alternative?

So very sad to read of this and what an amazing capture you got from so far above the earth!

Bravo for this and the new awareness we now have!



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December 20, 2009

- Mariann Kovats

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Mariann Kovats
Mariann Kovats's Gallery
  What a sad story Walter! I can imagine how hard that was to see that, and feel so helpless! It is a very unique capture, that is for sure, but I almost wish, you wouldn't have that capture, because their free fall never happened.

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December 20, 2009


Karen Engelbreth
  A very sad sad story, Walter...

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December 20, 2009


Renata Gusciora
  Fabulous capture and timing,Walter!

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December 20, 2009


Tommy E. Burgess
  Wow Walter, one of my most favorite things of all is watching eagles do the flips, and twirls and high elevations. I couldn't even imagine seeing this. I know you are like me and no matter how many times you watch them your heart still beats faster when you watch them. I hate the story, but the image is a worthy photo journalism capture. I hate when they die because of us. My brother-in-law is a Conservation Agent here in Missouri, and still has an open case from 3 years ago where two were shot and killed. As sad as this capture is, it certainly has the impact that can draw public awareness to the issue of banding.

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December 20, 2009 - Tammy M. Anderson

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Tammy M. Anderson
Tammy M. Anderson's Gallery
  OMGosh what a terrible ending. I never thought about this happening because of the bans. Fantastic story telling image, Walter but such a sad outcome.

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December 20, 2009


Linda A. Braddock
  Oh Walter, I can hardly read this for the tears in my eyes, I love birds so much, this is so sad, what a waste. A nice capture, but such a sad ending. Linda

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December 20, 2009


Amy M. Wilson
  Oh my, such a sad and tragic outcome... a very haunting image for sure, Walter!

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December 20, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  Sorry I posted this capture,I just wanted everyone to know what baning all birds can do,when I first took this photo I was going to go to the news papers,I still can go maybe it will help them a little bit,I hope I never this this again.
(Thank you all for your comments)

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December 20, 2009

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Don't be sorry. Public awareness is important, Walter.

You should print out this thread to show them.


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December 20, 2009


John Connolly
  What a sad and graphic capture, Walter! Possibly the bands could be re designed!
Thank you for sharing this unhappy, tragic event with us!

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December 20, 2009


BetterPhoto Member
  Laura,your right I will pst this with the paper,thaank you!!
John,thank you for your kind comment.

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December 21, 2009


Hal Bambrick
  Yeah,Very Sad Image Walter!!!.Hope you Never see another!!!.

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December 21, 2009


Howard B. Cheek
  Would love to have seen this Walter..
Plan to go back to the eagles nest off of Hwy 29 here in Texas soon..And try it it one more time. Just wish I could get a bit closer.
Merry Christmas!

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December 22, 2009

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