Photo Discussion
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Parliment at Day

BetterPhoto Crew: King   Parliment at Day
Parliment at Day
Kinda boring, wouldn't you say. Flat light does nothing for the picture and large shadow creates a lot of dull negative space in scene.

Jim Miotke


Jeanette Butler-Scott

Yes, but you could crop out most of the shadows and end up with a strong photo. The angle at which you shot the Parliment building is much more interesting. I like that it's not straight on. Jeanette

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October 07, 2001 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
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  Thanks for your comments. Your right, the photo can be saved a bit by cropping away the dead space. The upload is mainly intended, though, to be a comparison between a day shot and this night shot of the same subject.

Thanks again,

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October 08, 2001

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