Keeping Horizon Lines and Shorelines Level

How to Avoid Tilting Horizons:

by Kerry Drager

We've all seen - OK, we've all photographed - pictures in which a long, straight horizon line slants in one direction, making it appear as if everything is going to slide right out of the photo! Before you go out shooting seascape and landscape scenes, here are a few of the ways you can prevent a tilting horizon line or shoreline.

Dan on Beach
Dan on Beach

© Kerry Drager
All Rights Reserved

Photographing Level Horizons

Lastly: Think of these horizon-line suggestions as take-it-or-leave-it guidelines that you consider thoughtfully, not as hard-and-fast orders that you follow mindlessly. For example, intentionally "rocking the photographic boat" - i.e., with a severe slant - could result in a visually striking "diagonal" image!

About the Author

Author: Kerry  Drager

To learn more about photography, explore the photography classes offered here at BetterPhoto.